A Knox County Almanac

Honoring the Briggs Family

Remembering one's beginnings can be an inspiring practice. At the annual Philander Chase Conservancy (PCC) picnic on June 23, 2019, we were afforded the wonderful opportunity to celebrate 98-year old Jean Briggs and her daughter Jane for their family's decision in 2003 to conserve their 106-acre farm with the conservancy.

The Briggs were the first family to work with PCC after it was established in 2000. They made the decision as a family and it was an extremely generous decision because they chose to donate their easement rather than request funding for the purchase price of the agricultural easement.

Other landowners who attended the picnic and know Jean spoke about how her friendship and example inspired them to conserve their own properties with PCC. We are forever grateful to the Briggs family, and we appreciate the Mount Vernon News' coverage of this special event in the life of the conservancy.