Letter from the Kenyon Board of Trustees on Title IX
Chairman of the Kenyon College Board of Trustees Brackett B. Denniston ’69 shares the board's latest discussions about Title IX in a letter to the Kenyon community.
Chairman of the Kenyon College Board of Trustees Brackett B. Denniston ’69 shares the board's latest discussions about Title IX in a letter to the Kenyon community.
President Sean Decatur outlines plans for a comprehensive audit of the College’s Title IX policy, procedures and outcomes in a letter to the Kenyon community.
President Sean Decatur: "Over the past 24 hours, the Kenyon community has been made sensitive to issues regarding sexual misconduct. I and no other College administrator can comment on any student conduct case of any type... But I must speak out clearly on the larger issue of sexual assault."
AVI Foodsystems is committed to serving fresh food in Peirce Hall.
The Kenyon Staff Council is expanding its membership to better represent Kenyon employees from all divisions and may include, for the first time, union members if they win election.