After evaluating the options and speaking with many individuals from other campus offices, a new date has been found for Sendoff: Friday, April 29. The event will begin at 4 p.m., feature a variety of food and entertainment options and take place inside a fenced area on Ransom Lawn. Alcohol will be available for purchase by those age 21 and over, with a five-drink limit, in the fenced area. The Office of Student Activities will meet with members of Social Board and Student Council in the coming weeks to explore specific vendors and other activities associated with the event.
Dean of Student Hank Toutain, who led the Division of Student Affairs with distinction from 2009 to 2015, will retire at the end of the academic year. The search committee for the next dean will include faculty, staff and student representation. VP for Student Affairs Meredith Bonham welcomes suggestions of desirable qualities and specific nominations.
The Kenyon College Board of Trustees, meeting in Gambier on Feb. 4-5, approved the operating budget for the next fiscal year, preliminary design work for capital improvements in the West Quad and in the village center, and the launch of a comprehensive campaign.
Student Council leadership crafted these questions for College administrators after receiving a number of others regarding the role of students in College governance and Summer Sendoff. The responses were prepared by members of the Senior Staff.
Student Council leadership crafted these questions for College administrators after receiving a number of others regarding the role of students in College governance and Summer Sendoff. The responses were prepared by members of the Senior Staff.
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