This is the second in a series of regular community updates about Title IX work at Kenyon, including specific advancements on the recommendations arising from the recent comprehensive audit of Kenyon’s Title IX/Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) policy, procedures and outcomes.
In October 2016, Kenyon faculty and staff members were invited to participate in an anonymous survey regarding the campus climate and sexual assault. Of the 767 employees invited to participate, 359 completed the survey for a 46.8 percent response rate. The intention of the survey was to better understand faculty and staff perceptions of Kenyon’s climate concerning unwanted sexual contact and sexual misconduct, how Kenyon addresses and responds to sexual assault, and whether and how often employees have experienced sexual misconduct and relationship violence while working.
The Executive Committee of the Kenyon Board of Trustees recently approved a policy clarifying the College's longstanding ban of weapons on campus. The updated policy continues Kenyon's ban of weapons on campus and requires concealed handgun licensees and active duty service members to secure their handguns in a locked motor vehicle while on campus.
On Feb. 22, 2017 the Trump administration rescinded the May 13, 2016 Dear Colleague Letter that outlined specific guidance related to transgender students at schools and colleges receiving federal funding. While many of us consider this decision to be a significant setback for LGBTQ+ rights, we are writing to affirm that Kenyon will continue to support all members of our campus community.