Campus Report

COVID-19 Update: March 13, 7:20 p.m.

Office of Communications
March 13, 2020

Dear Kenyon College colleagues,

The last few days have brought us a series of turns, and I continue to be moved by the grace and resilience of the Kenyon community. Staff and faculty have more than stepped up; they have taken extraordinary leaps to safeguard our community and ensure the continuity of our educational mission under unprecedented circumstances.

I know you must have many questions. To begin to answer them, I will host a Google Meet (video conference meeting) on Monday, March 16, at 11:30 a.m. Anyone who wishes to attend in person can join me in the Community Foundation Theater; space will be limited to 50 people and I ask that you practice social distancing in choosing a seat. A calendar invitation will follow with a link to the Google Meet.

Ahead of the meeting, I wanted to share that Kenyon has temporarily adopted new policies regarding telework and paid leave in an effort to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and keep our community and loved ones well. We recognize that the closing of K–12 schools presents a special challenge, as would a quarantine in your family, and we hope these changes will ease the strain. As always, if you have questions regarding your specific situation, please talk with your supervisor.

Together, I know we will weather the days and weeks to come. Thank you for all you do for Kenyon; despite the many challenges of this week, I am incredibly proud and grateful for the tremendous dedication and commitment you all have demonstrated.


Sean Decatur

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