Campus Report

New options for sharing chosen/preferred names and personal pronouns

Office of Communications
February 27, 2019

As part of Kenyon’s ongoing efforts to promote a more inclusive campus environment, the College invites students and employees to add a chosen/preferred first name or select personal pronouns for their information in Banner.

Student chosen/preferred first names can already be viewed in the extended directory and class rosters. Later this semester, those names will also be added to Moodle class lists. Employee chosen/preferred first names currently are available in both the extended and public directories.

Students and employees may now select personal pronouns from a drop-down menu in their personal information page in Banner. Pronoun options include she/her/hers; he/him/his; they/them/theirs; xe/xem/xyrs; ze/zir/zirs; or please ask me for my pronouns. This data will appear in the extended directory.

As a reminder, here is who has access to this information:

  1. The extended directory: Information in the extended directory is available only to students and employees and requires a Kenyon username and password.

  2. Class rosters: Faculty have access to class rosters for courses they teach.

  3. Class lists in Moodle: Students have access to rosters for courses in which they are enrolled.

Only those who want their choices regarding first names and personal pronouns to be available to all students and employees should enter this information in Banner. Otherwise, these fields should be left blank.  

To designate personal pronouns or a chosen/preferred first name, students and employees should log into the Personal Access Pages, click “Personal Information” and then select “Update Personal Information.” Use the edit button to make any updates. The extended directory, class rosters and class lists are updated nightly to reflect changes made in Banner.

Prepared by the Office of Communications
February 27, 2019