Free Wheeling, Free Thinking

Riding for Pelotonia is an amazing experience, and one of the things I enjoy about cycling is the opportunity to let my mind wander.
Riding for Pelotonia is an amazing experience, and one of the things I enjoy about cycling is the opportunity to let my mind wander.
We are at a cultural moment when the value of liberal arts education is being questioned; where access and opportunity for education is being denied to talented young people; when the value of both evidence-based scientific thinking and the beauty of poetry are being questioned. We have an obligation to create opportunity for talented, deserving students, and advocate for the greater value of liberal education.
We do not have to choose between the right to have a voice and the right to belong in society, and any narrative that suggests that we do lacks imagination, courage or both.
Taking action on climate change will require skillful, creative and analytical problem solving, the ability to integrate information across a range of disciplines, and passion, determination and leadership to identify and advance the issues that are most important.
This is a time to recommit ourselves to the challenges ahead of us. But while change can be slow, we must hold onto what Dr. King called the “fierce urgency of now.”