Have Grant, Will Travel
Want to visit Kenyon, but can’t afford the cost of travel? Consider applying for a travel grant from Kenyon. Read about Benji’s experience visiting Kenyon using a travel grant and make sure to apply for the grant by Dec. 1!
Want to visit Kenyon, but can’t afford the cost of travel? Consider applying for a travel grant from Kenyon. Read about Benji’s experience visiting Kenyon using a travel grant and make sure to apply for the grant by Dec. 1!
Campus visits can feel like a total blur: information session, guided campus tour, interview, class visit … before you know it, you’re back in the car again! But before you depart, make sure you’ve squeezed in these five worthwhile activities to really get a feel for the school.
Even after a decade, I am struck by the fact that for some reason I still remember my own first couple of weeks of college so vividly.