The Crowe's Nest

The Heroes of Travel Season

Ross Bronfenbrenner
October 28, 2014

At about 12:42 a.m. yesterday, travel season for Kenyon admissions counselors came to an end. Accordingly, it’s time for a bit of reflection. Without further ado, I present to you the five heroes of travel season. Some are unsung, some are well known, but they all deserve praise.

  • Rental car employees who give me out-of-state plates: This is absolutely a blessing in disguise. If I have Colorado plates in Denver, it’s assumed that I should generally know what I’m doing and where I’m going. If I don’t, it’s perfectly normal to see me driving the wrong way across parking lots, generally being confused and frustrated by the presence of a roundabout, and actively demonstrating the fact that I can’t believe a freeway called “94 E West” exists.*

  • Panera: The most flexible of chain restaurants. Panera is like the modern-day Room of Requirement — it is always exactly what you need it to be. Coffee shop? Sure. Quick lunch? Absolutely. Place you can sit outside of in your car as you stealthily steal the WiFi so that you can stream Netflix? No doubt.

  • The interviewees: Highlight of my day. Every time. At the end of a long day, you bring energy and interest, and occasionally your interview requests come with local restaurant suggestions!

  • Jessie J: Not even joking. Her album was one of the few things that helped me finish the final week of travel season, and I’m not ashamed to say it. Give it a listen when you get the chance.

  • You: My interactions with you, the students, are the best part of every single day. Whether I meet you at your school, at a fair, or at the ice cream place where you work that I saw you at two days after we met, you always manage to show me why I love the work I do. You’re the real MVPs today.

*94 E West. Is it going east? West? Both? How do you work?!