Notes from Ransom Hall: A Higher Ed Blog

Sean Decatur

Hometown  —  Gambier, OH

Sean Decatur, an emerging national leader in higher education, became  the nineteenth president of Kenyon College on July 1, 2013. A champion of the liberal arts, President Decatur earned a bachelor's degree at Swarthmore College and a doctorate in biophysical chemistry at Stanford University. 

Lives of Grace and Impact

By Sean Decatur on August 20, 2018

You won’t find a seminar at Kenyon on leading a life of grace, or a syllabus outlining steps to improve the lives of those around you. And, as the examples of Aretha Franklin and Dr. James Cox ’60 H’97 illustrate, there is no single model for achieving this. But we can extract some principles from their lives.

A Powerful Mode of Thinking

By Sean Decatur on June 25, 2018

We are at a cultural moment when the value of liberal arts education is being questioned; where access and opportunity for education is being denied to talented young people; when the value of both evidence-based scientific thinking and the beauty of poetry are being questioned. We have an obligation to create opportunity for talented, deserving students, and advocate for the greater value of liberal education.

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