Declaring My Major: a Journey Years in the Making

This is how college should be: an opportunity to explore anything and everything that is intellectually stimulating.
This is how college should be: an opportunity to explore anything and everything that is intellectually stimulating.
With two years on the Hill under my belt, I’m here to tell you that less is more when it comes to packing.
Sendoff represents a different rite of passage for each group of students involved, but one aspect of its significance is consistent across classes: summer is almost here.
Kenyon students love to plug in and listen to music as they make their way around campus. Thus began the idea for the “Middle Path Playlist.” The assignment: to find out what students are listening to as they walk to class, lunch, practice, a meeting or back to their dorms.
Olin is my rock, my love, and occasionally, my mortal enemy. So just how did a library assume this complex role in my life?