Dec. 1 looms heavily on my calendar. It is the beginning of the holiday season, as well as an unofficial start to when I need to start freaking out about finals. But more importantly, it is the day that (most of) my graduate school applications are due.
There are so many community service opportunities in Knox County that Kenyon students can get involved in, many of which are related to specific majors and provide invaluable experience.
I’m still not entirely sure how my teammates managed to convince me to do this, but a couple Saturdays ago, I was up at 4:30 a.m., dressed in show clothes (all borrowed), in a minivan with six other women on our way to a horse show at the University of Findlay.
During the college search, there’s a huge emphasis on first-year housing. So many questions are swirling around that upperclass housing options sometimes don’t even make it into the conversation. But for those who are curious, or for those who have immense foresight, here’s a peek into some of Kenyon’s upperclass housing, the North Campus Apartments (NCAs).
Professors at Kenyon actually care about students. Like, a lot. This wonderful availability of our professors makes possible independent studies.