T is for Things Professors Say
At Kenyon, you will meet the most amazing professors. They are brilliant and will sometimes take to drastic measures to motivate their students. Dr. Benjamin Locke is one example.
At Kenyon, you will meet the most amazing professors. They are brilliant and will sometimes take to drastic measures to motivate their students. Dr. Benjamin Locke is one example.
You came to Kenyon very excited, a little scared, and pretty confused. You’re trying to play it off cool, but I can see straight through you, Freshman Mia. You need some advice.
Welcome to "The Crowe's Nest," where you'll get an insider's look at what happens behind the scenes in the Office of Admissions, including advice about the application process and personal commentary about the life of an admissions counselor.
Last spring I discovered the cure for those unfortunate moments when you have a lot of assigned reading behind you and a lot ahead, and all you really want to do is watch “Parks and Rec” until you pass out. Are you ready? Here it is: Read for fun.
Pre-orientation programs and fall athletics practices are in full swing; orientation for the Class of 2018 begins on Saturday; and the start of classes is less than 10 days away. In other words, summer 2014 is coming to an end.