Kenyon Kribs: A New Generation

Every dorm room at Kenyon starts out pretty much the same, with windows, a bed, some shelves and a few drawers. In fact, if at any point during the summer, you walked into a random room, there wouldn’t be much to distinguish it from the one next door. Until students move in, that is. From the very first day, students get busy decorating and personalizing, carving their names (figuratively, we hope) into the blank space that has become their room. Their home. Their Krib.
Due to popular demand, we’ve decided to update the "Kenyon Kribs" video series with a new generation of Kenyon students. For our first room, we visited a first-year dorm, Norton Hall. Mary Angela Ricotta ’20 from Houston, Texas, has decked out her Krib with plush and personal items, creating a pad cultivated to be comfortable and clean. A Kenyon Krib is a room that has captured the spirit of the person living in it. It's a space that, without seeing the resident's name on the door, you’d still know who it belonged to when you opened it. That’s the case with Mary Angela, whose personality, reflected by her room, is both welcoming and particular, fun and studious, bright and very (very) into Harry Potter.
For our next video, we’ll take you to Caples Hall to visit a suite occupied by members of Kenyon’s Men of Color organization.