"Never talk to me during The Jackal"

Well, I’m coming atcha late on this Thursday night and I’d like to start out by saying sorry for my absence these past few weeks!
I’ve been really busy trying to adhere to my New Year’s resolutions. This year, I’m trying to drink more milk and channel less stress through my senior brain.
But my biggest and most important New Year’s resolution is trying to become C.J. Cregg aka President Bartlett’s Press Secretary on Aaron Sorkin’s The West Wing, aka Allison Janney, Kenyon alumnist.
This past winter break, I INHALED West Wing, Season 1 on Netflix and needless to say, it has become an obsession. Over break, it got to the point where I watched the assassination attempt on President Bartlett and began crying on my couch. That’s when I told myself, “THIS ISN’T EVEN THE REAL PRESIDENT, FRANCES. YOU NEED TO GO OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING.”
Anyway, before I got to that point in my obsession, I realized that I want to be C.J. Cregg when I grow up. That is not to say that I want to work in the White House or pseudo-date a redheaded Wall Street Journal journalist.
I just want to be as cool as her. As amazing as her. As bad ass as her.
I want to stop powerful men (and women) in their tracks with my intellect and wit.
I want to walk and talk with the best and the brightest and have my opinion be sought after and respected.
Most of all, I want to learn to do The Jackal.
2013. This is the year. I will become C.J. Cregg.