500 Days of Quarantine

While completing the first half of my senior year remotely was never my plan, if it helps to keep the Kenyon community and Knox County safe, then I plan to make the best of it.
While completing the first half of my senior year remotely was never my plan, if it helps to keep the Kenyon community and Knox County safe, then I plan to make the best of it.
Even though I wish my abroad experience hadn’t been cut short, my last few days in Exeter were as lovely as they could’ve possibly been, and I’m so grateful to the people and the country that made my experience as memorable as it was.
My previous two years at Kenyon gave me the stepping stones to make my way across the Atlantic to Exeter, and I’m so thankful for that. I’ve already felt my independence grow exponentially within the past six weeks, and I’m not even halfway through.
As a sophomore English major considering a career in journalism, I was incredibly fortunate to spend three days shadowing Paul Singer ’88 of the New England Center for Investigative Reporting and WGBH.
I can easily say that going Kenyon Greek was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Just as when I first set foot on Kenyon’s campus, something about Epsilon Delta Mu just clicked.