Life Abroad After the Parisian Attacks

On Nov. 13, 2015, tragedy struck Paris. In a series of terrorist attacks orchestrated by ISIS, 130 lives were lost in one night. In a short period of time, I have felt a vast difference in my time abroad.
On Nov. 13, 2015, tragedy struck Paris. In a series of terrorist attacks orchestrated by ISIS, 130 lives were lost in one night. In a short period of time, I have felt a vast difference in my time abroad.
After spending over a year at Kenyon College, it is clear to me that the campus lives up to its reputation as a literary school.
Ask the demographers and they’ll tell you our 20-something children are millennials. But over the years I’ve come to think of them another way.
One of the best ways to adjust to living at Kenyon is to volunteer in the surrounding community.
’Tis the season for sweaters, pumpkin pie, giving thanks and class registration. Here at Kenyon, it’s that time of the year when students are planning potential schedules, meeting with advisors, looking up major and minor requirements, and soliciting friends’ opinions about classes.