I have often taken to the roads the last few years, attempting to lose myself in the winding and intriguing paths through Knox Country. While the purpose for my wasteful use of gasoline may be to clear my mind from certain stresses, it has led me to see the beauty of this sometimes unappreciated land. But these forages into the "real world" are but temporary respites from the sometimes seemingly stagnant college lifestyle.
And yet, when I think about it, perhaps there is not as much stagnancy as I imagine...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Gambier, OH gets pretty bleak from late January to early March. Freezing temperatures, limited sunlight, and an unvaryingly gray sky tend to weaken all but the strongest morale. The good news is that every one gets through it, and with the right attitude and a little creativity, you can not only live to tell the tale but actually enjoy yourself along the way. Read on for four foolproof tips on making the most of your wintertime experience in the 'bier.
Starting a new semester is like starting the school year all over again: I get to buy fresh notebooks, open the latest fine-tip pens in exciting new shades (hot pink! chartreuse!), and anticipate all the wonderfully wise and engaging things my professors will say on the first day of class. It also means my enthusiasm for studying is briefly reignited—a magical, roughly two week window wherein nothing sounds better than curling up in an armchair with a thermos of Earl Grey and a copy of The Canterbury Tales.[1]
Which brings me to the point of this post—where exactly are the best study locations to hunker down with said tome and some tea? Read on for a riveting, no holds barred breakdown of my three most frequented study locations, rated on scales of comfort, productivity, social activity, and (most importantly) access to food.
[1] As opposed to, say, lying on my bed with a Warm Delight and an episode of 30 Rock.
Yesterday I loved baseball. Tomorrow I will love baseball. But today, I do not love baseball.
Tuesday marked the start of 2013, a year that's been looming in my mind since I was a old enough to do the math—the year I stop being a Student (for now) and start being an Adult (we’ll see). In the spirit of the New Year—and excessive nostalgia brought on by self-stalking my freshman year photos—I’ve decided to make a Kenyon Resolutions list in order to make the most of my final semester...