Why I Chose Kenyon

Kenyon challenged me to think more specifically. What kind of person do I want to be? What do I want to do with my major, and with my career?
Kenyon challenged me to think more specifically. What kind of person do I want to be? What do I want to do with my major, and with my career?
Kenyon students love to plug in and listen to music as they make their way around campus. Thus began the idea for the “Middle Path Playlist.” The assignment: to find out what students are listening to as they walk to class, lunch, practice, a meeting or back to their dorms.
Since the beginning of the school year, the Chamber Singers have been rehearsing five days a week in preparation for our spring break tour. This year, we toured the Southeastern U.S., and I documented our trip from Gambier to Georgia and back, including our four concerts and all of the bus ride games, baby chick sightings and sweet tea drinks in between.
Spending a week at Kenyon without the vibrant energy of students and staff definitely felt a bit strange, but it allowed me the opportunity to enjoy campus without the usual constraints of a daily schedule.
One of the best examples of Kenyon’s intellectual curiosity is our penchant for the New York Times crossword.