Quintessential Kenyon: Student Life, Uncut

12 Sickeningly Beautiful Springtime Photos of Gambier

Ariana Chomitz
April 30, 2013

1. Here's Ascension and some flowers.


2. And Ascension and more flowers.


3. That one time it was Poem in Your Pocket Day


4. So there were all these poems strung up on Middle Path for your pocket.


5. Even the Gates of Hell are lookin fiiiine.


6. We've got some flowers and the Post Office here


7. There's the patio of Old Kenyon, with the sins of last night washed away by the spring rains.


8. You could go to drama class, or you could lie on the ground and look at flowers for a bit.


9. Summer Sendoff on south quad, in which everyone in this picture is of legal age.


10. I'm not gonna pretend like it doesn't rain but even when it does it's kinda pretty.


11. Just some casual, sun dappled forest on my way to the gym.


12. Finn House, which produces the Kenyon Review and lots of pretty flowers.



If you come to Kenyon, you're going to have to mentally prepare yourself to be battered over the head with devastatingly beautiful scenery (and people.. obviously.)