Fandango: Kicking Off 100 Days of Solitude

Officially, Fandango marks the 100-day mark until we walk across the stage and receive diplomas from the professors who just watched us spill champagne on ourselves in Gund Commons. It's a night of appropriate dancing and tiny, tiny meatballs at the buffet, and it happened on Friday.
Fandango is different from Senior Soiree. Whereas most people's Soiree goal is to shovel as many plastic cups of wine into their mouths as possible, Fandango has a much classier vibe. In fact, this is the email we got the day of:
This is probably because of how Soiree went last semester, but in terms of Fandango, the class of 2015 seemed to put their best high-heel-clad foot forward. After frantically running around campus to borrow a black skirt from my sister, I arrived with my friends only a little later than intended. By the time we strode into the room, presumably like Hermiones at the Yule Ball, the crowd was already bustling, and "Twist and Shout" was playing through the speakers. We all had the same first thought: I didn't know there was going to be free food.
From that moment on, I had a glass of wine in one hand and a slice of cheese in the other. While there were very few English professors, I still managed to find some familiar academic faces and probably embarrassed myself.
The event was from 7-9 p.m., causing tuxedoed seniors to wander out into the night in search of something to do until we all ended up at The Gambier Grill. As I woke up the next morning, makeup smeared across my face and my shoes thrown across the room, I stared out my window onto the streets of Gambier. Only 99 more days.