This Is What A Post Grad Looks Like

If there are five stages of graduation, I'd say I'm on about number three.
If there are five stages of graduation, I'd say I'm on about number three.
There's something in the air when Summer Sendoff comes around that makes time both freeze and speed up. The whole day is spent in anticipation of the concert (this year, it was Logic and Danny Brown), and you lose all sense of being at school and instead it turns into a day of frolicking and eating burgers in the grass.
If there's one thing I'd advise every first-year Kenyon student to do, it's to take at least one class at the Craft Center.
Kenyon has a lot of options when it comes to spring break. Sports teams go on tournaments, clubs lead sponsored trips for nearby adventures — or, you can venture out on your own. Instead of heading straight home for break, my sister and I decided to take the six-hour drive to Nashville, Tennessee, before roadtripping back to PA. I packaged up some of the highlights into a video (inspired by the This American Life we were listening to in the car!)
Sometimes you wake up for class, check the weather, and it's 1 degree Celsius in Gambier, Ohio.