Kenyon-Exeter: The Gang

I feel like I have been neglecting to write about one of the biggest parts of this program, and that's the group of Kenyon students that are actually here with me. Today, we're going to Bath, so I thought I'd write a little recap of our group adventures so far.
So far, we can cross London, Bath, Beer, Tintagel and Topsham off our list. It's been a mix of hiking and eating and trying to take a decent picture of the Millennium Bridge while the group is miles ahead of you and you want to keep up. I feel bad that I haven't been able to muster up anything substantial to write, but everything really has been such a blur and to write it all out in detail would be laborious for me and tedious for you. What I will say is that being in this group has brought me so much closer to some really great people who I never knew before this trip. I'm grateful that even though we've been removed from the Kenyon community, we're able to create our own.