Quintessential Kenyon: Student Life, Uncut

Madeleine Thompson

Class of 2015
Major  —  Political Science
Hometown  —  Atlanta

Madeleine is a political science major with a thing for words, bagels and her hometown of Atlanta. She is in a loving, committed relationship with the Kenyon Collegian, of which she is editor-in-chief. She is currently having moderate success training for her first 5K, and she wants to be a journalist when she grows up. 

Salaam, Farewell, I Hate to Say Goodbye

By Madeleine Thompson on January 6, 2014

Before Morocco, I was pretty Type A. I liked knowing what I would probably be doing next week on any given day, I liked plans, I liked staying inside the lines. I hated being late, I wasn’t a fan of change, and I didn’t go out of my way to try new things. Morocco forced a lot of that rigidity out of me. 

Morocco Under My Skin

By Madeleine Thompson on November 15, 2013

I realized the other morning, as I was drinking tea on my terrace and looking out over the ocean, that I’m going to miss Morocco when I leave. It was the first time I wasn’t wrapped up in being challenged or where I was headed next, and I got a serious feeling that this country had finally gotten under my skin. Maybe it’s the freedom and independence I have now that my two-month homestay is over, or maybe it was the gloriously red tomatoes I saw in the market today, but something made me suddenly wish I could rewind to that first night when I couldn’t sleep because of all the strange noises. 

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