Top Ten Places to Visit at Kenyon This Fall (as told through Instagram)

Just in case you needed to be reminded how beautiful Kenyon is in the fall.
Just in case you needed to be reminded how beautiful Kenyon is in the fall.
Do you get the reference? This is me appealing to the youths. But sometimes the creative writing scene at Kenyon does feel a bit like a reality TV show. If you throw a hundred good writers into a pit with three ruthless professors, only about ten or so will emerge, clutching a manuscript with ink on their faces. If you want to take a creative writing class at Kenyon, you’re going to have to face up to some inconvenient truths.
I was probably saying something about the chicken when this picture was taken.
The biggest mistake I made my freshman year was signing up for all the interesting classes.
This weekend I finished my English comps AND I went to a ballet. Real Adulthood, here I come.