Choosing a First-Year Res Hall

Choosing your preferred first-year residence hall is one of your first rites of passage at Kenyon. Some of the people in your building and hall will become some of your first and best friends at Kenyon.
Choosing your preferred first-year residence hall is one of your first rites of passage at Kenyon. Some of the people in your building and hall will become some of your first and best friends at Kenyon.
Certain people prefer and prioritize certain things when trying to find the perfect college, which is why it’s fantastic that no two colleges are the same. I feel like Kenyon was the best choice for me, and I think my friend Claire feels the same way about UC Berkeley.
When you’re looking at colleges, it’s difficult to know exactly what it’s like to live on campus after just one visit. Each college has a different feel, and there’s only so much you can learn from the admissions brochures and tour guides.
I’d never stayed at Kenyon over a break before, so it felt like something I had to try over my last break as a student.
This past weekend I got to head down to New Orleans with the Kenyon Jazz Ensemble to play a few shows in the birthplace of jazz.