Wind Chill: Negative Forever

Sometimes you wake up for class, check the weather, and it's 1 degree Celsius in Gambier, Ohio.
Sometimes you wake up for class, check the weather, and it's 1 degree Celsius in Gambier, Ohio.
The fact that I am in London is finally sinking in.
Fandango is that one night of the year for seniors where we get all dressed up and party with our professors — before spending the next 100 days hunkered down in the library in preparation for graduation.
Nothing sucks more than being sick at college, except maybe being sick during finals week at college.
The beginning of spring semester means two things: frozen misery and rush season. But let’s just skip over that first one, OK? Here’s something I never, ever would have expected saying before coming to Kenyon: Joining a fraternity was the best decision I made on the Hill.