Quintessential Kenyon: Student Life, Uncut

On Being a Kenyon Review Associate

By Kate Lindsay on February 27, 2014

I'm taking a break from my usual musings about Exeter because, to be honest, not much is happening. I'm turning in essays left and write (get it?) (just kidding that was a mistake a legitimately made but I'm keeping it) and seemingly always leaving my flat when it starts to rain. So I thought I'd turn to something else that's been on my mind recently: my position as an associate at The Kenyon Review.

When to KAC

By Andrew Parmelee on February 25, 2014

As you know, the Kenyon Athletic Center is a fantastic resource, but there are times when it is best to use it. Let me tell you when. Also, if you don't know what the KAC is, let me introduce it.

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