Study Spaces of Your (Kenyon) Dreams

I’ve put together a list of my favorite places on campus where I can hunker down and study or write that essay that’s definitely not due tomorrow.
I’ve put together a list of my favorite places on campus where I can hunker down and study or write that essay that’s definitely not due tomorrow.
Apparently we spend only 28 months at Kenyon, and I'm pretty much halfway there. Here's what I still want to do at Kenyon.
Alumni are here for us, and it’s wonderful.
A Chevy Chase, Maryland, native, Mike Jest '15 can be seen performing in Two Drink Minimum, Beyond Therapy, and Fools on the Hill—Kenyon's three comedy groups. He's a really funny dude, and I had the chance to ask him some questions.
The no-phone on Middle Path rule still exists. Let's keep it.